Under the patronage of the MoEW, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the IPT Energy Center (IPTEC) organized on 27 September 2019 as part of the 10th edition of IBEF, the 2nd edition of the Energy Awareness Awards (EAA 2018-2019). The awards distribution ceremony was held in the presence of the UNDP Resident Representative in Lebanon Mrs. Celine Moyroud, and IPTEC President Dr. Toni Issa and a wide range of personalities from the public and private sector and from different institutions interested in the energy market.
The EAA programme recognizes public and private institutions and individuals (businesses, youth, start-ups, entrepreneurs and academia) for significant contributions to energy sustainability in Lebanon.
UNDP is one of the operational arms of the United Nations that works with partners in numerous countries to promote sustainable development, environmental sustainability, eradication of poverty, advancement of women, good governance and the rule of law. IPT Energy Center (IPTEC) is a specialized research center in Lebanon, established by IPT. The center is behind a wealth of research and studies on energy, oil, and gas, in addition to specialized programs that strive to enhance knowledge on energy conservation and efficient energy use.
Under the umbrella of the Energy Awareness Awards, UNDP and IPTEC aim to promote the sustainable consumption of energy resources and raise awareness level on energyrelated matters. The objective of the awards is to recognize efforts put forth by institutions and organizations in reducing their energy footprint and integrating sustainable practices within their respective fields. Ultimately, these initiatives would contribute to reducing air pollution at the local level and improve environmental performance also through the reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) contributing to climate change. Applicants are given a chance to be rewarded for accomplishments within different categories that contribute to energy sustainability. Project could include developing on-site renewable and/or sustainable energy sources; repairing and replacing inefficient equipment; installing energy-related green information technology software and hardware; right-sizing fleets while increasing the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles; developing and advancing new processes to improve productivity; and promoting sustainability through collaborative partnerships, education and outreach. outreach.
To know more, download the EAA brochure.
The awards recognize outstanding achievements in:
- Private sector (industries, banks, etc.)
- Academia (universities or vocational schools)
- Youth Innovation, and entrepreneurship
- Local level (municipalities)
- Category I- Private Sector: The Lebanese private sector is the engine of economic growth and development in Lebanon, and is usually looked upon to bring the investments required for transformational change, and Lebanon is seeking this change through the way it produces and uses energy. This category will recognize a private sector institution that has carried out and implemented, fully, a programme or project within its owned facilities and/or that impacts the way it operates, which has reduced its energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, either through energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport, alternative fuels, and/or any action that has led to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (or a combination of these).
- Category II- Academia: Universities and technical schools have a responsibility to be key drivers for better change in Lebanon, and key references to follow for a better future. This category targets both Higher Education (i.e., Universities) and vocational schools. This category will recognize a higher educational institution and/or vocation school that has carried out and implemented, fully, a program or project within its owned facilities and/or that impacts the way it operates, which has reduced its energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, either through energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport, alternative fuels, and/or any action that has led to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (or any combination thereof).
- Category III- Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Lebanon is encouraged to be a core part of the energy revolution, and not just a recipient of imported technologies and applications that assist our shift towards a more sustainable energy system. This category targets innovative ideas led by one or group of persons (Lebanese nationals aged between 18 and 29) and / or established startups that can be either a new technology, application, and/or invention, that targets the way we use energy and transport. The idea and/or innovation must target renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, and can be also any relevant application that targets people and society, i.e., that targets behavioral impacts.
- Category IV- Local Government: ‘Think Global, Act Local’ is a phrase that best captures our hope to tackle the threat of climate change. This category will recognize a municipality (or union of municipalities) that has carried out and implemented, fully, a program or project within its jurisdiction, which has reduced the overall energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of homes and/or institutions within the municipality, either through energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport, alternative fuels, and/or any action that has led to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (or any combination thereof).The award will be in the form of an Appreciation Award.
2018-2019 THEMES
The awards recognize outstanding achievements in:
* Renewable Energy
* Energy Efficiency & Conservation
* Mitigation of Climate Change
* Innovation in Energy
* Integrated Category
- Two winners for every category received a substantial prize, an award and an appreciation certificate issued by UNDP and IPTEC.
- Category I- Private Sector Initiatives: 1st prize: Zmerly Smart Heating for its Energy Management Program // 2nd prize: ECOsys an ITG company for its project of Installation of roof & partial façade PV system at its headquarters.
4 Appreciation Certificates in the first category: For Chehab Industrial & Medical Gases SAL for Installation of Photovoltaic System at its Existing CIMG Facility. For Gemayel Freres SAL for shifting to renewable energy and energy conservation: PV Installation (300 KW); LED lighting & Fuel temperature control. For Liban Cable SAL for its Photovoltaic Project: PV Installation (600 KW). For Demco Steel, the project Demco Energy: PV Installation.
- Category II- Academia: 1st prize: Don Bosco School Kahale for its Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development AID11478; by // 2nd prize: International School of Choueifat for its Installation of PV system for Green School Certification Program (421 KW); designed & implemented by SACOTEL.
1 Appreciation Certificate in second category: For Carbon Cleaner for its Model/Tool that calculates carbon footprint of academic institutions.
- Category III- Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship: 1st prize: Nasrallah Engineering SARL for its Energy Saving Water Heater Tank with Variable Capacity // 2nd prize: Live Love Recycle: E-Bike recycling collection with mobile application; by Live Love Lebanon.
2 Appreciation Certificates in third category: For Hicing for its mobile application "Shared Taxi" and for Roof and Roots for its Green roofing system.
- Category IV – Local Government/ Municipalities: 1st prize: Hamana Municipality for its Installation of Renewable Energy System in Hamana for the wastewater treatment plan // 2nd prize: Municipality of Andaket for its Briquette production facility from forestry and agricultural residues.
2 Appreciation Certificates in forth category: For Municipality of Ainata Al Arz for its Smart solar steel lighting // For Bchaaleh Municipality for its Bridging the Energy Gap (Solar PV Installation at Municipality level & prepaid utility payment system).
Download the EAA 2018-2019 Winning Projects report to know more.
Download the EAA 2015-2016 Winning Projects report to know more.
Click here to check everything you need to know about the Distribution Ceremony of the 2nd edition of the EAA 2018-2019. Click "Load More" whenever needed.
Ms. Marielle Kalache
Direct Line: 01-962511/ 01-962509
Email: marielle.kalache@undp.org
Direct Line: 09-624111
Email: info@iptgroup.com.lb