1. Promote Sustainable Local Development as a catalyst for growth of local communities and for equitable prosperity of individuals and groups. MIF aims to achieve measurable targets for growth, such as increasing income of targeted households, decreasing unemployment, etc.
2. Strengthen the Capacity of Local Communities, including vulnerable groups (i.e. women and youth), through MIF’s implementation of innovative, progressive and developmental projects, and through its support to local administration and civil society. This contributes to reaching a diverse, equitable and inclusive local development.
3. Inspire Community Engagement and Cultivate the Sense of Local Belonging through sustainable local projects, designed to create a lasting impact. Such initiatives intend to motivate citizens to stay in their villages and town and actively participating in the local development process.
4. Unlock Local Potential by highlighting the capabilities, characteristics and cognitive abilities that distinguish local communities, investing them directly in sustainable local development projects: this will leverage the innate strength of each community to drive growth from within. Projects endorsing green economy will be prioritized, such as green financing, sustainable agriculture, green infrastructure and renewable energy, responsible tourism, etc.
5. Advance Administrative Decentralization as a pillar to achieve local and balanced development across regions; collaborate closely with relevant authorities to adopt this concept, leading to a balanced growth, self-sufficiency, diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
6. Support Potential Collaborations Across Regions by implementing joint activities and projects that prioritize knowledge exchange, experience sharing and capacity building, in collaboration with relevant associations, local authorities and the private sector.
7. Leverage International Knowledge and Expertise in the field of sustainable local development, by forming partnerships with global experts that foster integration and exchange. Seeking to adopt best practices and innovative solution, MIF ensures that projects are tailored and adapted to local need of targeted areas.
MIF's mission, vision, values and objectives are closely aligned with several SDGs, notably the following: