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The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has recently published the full series of 30 Innovation Briefs under its Innovation Landscape report. It is the most comprehensive analysis available on innovation priorities that policymakers must address to successfully decarbonise the electricity systems with renewables and push for innovative renewables solutions in a COVID-19 recovery stimulus. With the new briefs on innovations in system operation and business models published, the full series of briefs analyzing innovations in the four dimensions of the power system (enabling technologies, business models, market design and system operation) is now completed.

Innovation is a key driver for the energy transformation. Innovative solutions can make the energy production, transmission and consumption more flexible, allowing for a higher, cost-effective use of renewables and empowering a new generation of energy consumers. Electrification, decentralisation and digitalization are leading innovation trends that are changing paradigms, unlocking system flexibility for more renewables, changing roles and responsibilities and opening doors to new entrants in the sector. Read more