Tue May 10, 2022
How IPT Sustainable Station Prioritize Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability has always been an integral part of IPT’s corporate culture, which reflects on the quality of its products & services. We continuously invest in our business to provide our customers with renewable and highly energy-efficient solutions that meet the highest standards of modern and environment-friendly gas stations. In line with this strategy, we built in Amchit in 2019 the Sustainable Gas Station, the first of its kind in Lebanon and the region.

The Station’s Green and Sustainable features include:

1- Energy efficiency & renewable energy solutions: through solar power, stage 2 vapor recovery system, smart LED lighting, eco-friendly air conditioning system, Laserwash machine equipped with Variable Frequency Drivers and soft starters to save energy.

2- Water conservation solutions: through sewage systems that allow water to pass through hydrocarbon and oil separator for filtering.

3- Wastewater treatment to achieve ZERO toxic discharge through rain water collection and treatment.

4- Cleaner & environmentally friendly products & services: adopting advanced cleaner fuel, Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil, solar powered electric vehicle charger, nitrogen tires inflator, emissions analyzer and waste disposal unit area for special treatment and reuse.

5- Soil & ground water protection to achieve ZERO hydrocarbon contamination: underground double wall tanks with leak detectors and fiberglass sump completely sealed on the manholes to prevent any leakage.

6- Commitment to Health, Safety and Quality standards: equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED), fire extinguishers, sandbox and safety signs. The station is connected to the central control room at IPT Headquarters and has an automatic vehicle recognition system.

7- Green roof to lower energy consumption.

Check our "IPT's Sustainable Station" brochure for more details.

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