Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Information Mr. Melhem Riachy, IPT Energy Center (IPTEC) organized a press conference to launch "Quantum" the Advanced Fuel from IPT, as part of IBEF 2017. The conference took place on Monday, 18 September 2017 at Le Royal Hotel- Dbayeh, and it was convened in the presence of Lawyer Emile Geagea representing Minister Riachi, the Director General of Oil Mrs. Aurore Fegahli, LCEC General Director Eng. Pierre Khoury, and President of IPTEC Dr. Toni Issa. The session featured the distribution of "Quantum" informative brochures in addition to the reports and studies executed throughout the "National Campaign for Air Pollution Reduction in Lebanon through Efficient Energy Use in Land Transportation".
The conference started with a documentary about "Quantum" followed by a technical presentation explaining the technical aspects of this advanced product. Download presentation.
In his speech, Dr. Issa highlighted that the new 98 & 95 gasoline from IPT is a mix between a high quality gasoline and a cutting edge additive developed by Total. Also, he shed light on the important role of the Social Responsibility - the main pillar of Sustainable Development - which must become the top concern of modern management in companies. He explains that IPT's initiative to launch "Quantum" falls within this context that the company have started it since 2012 with the establishment of IPT Energy Center (IPTEC). This initiative is an integral part of the study presented by the "National Campaign for Air Pollution Reduction in Lebanon Through Efficient Energy Use in Land Transportation" and carried out by IPTEC, since it upholds one of the key recommendations of this campaign that aims at improving the quality and specifications of fuel in Lebanon, and shifting towards the use of the cleaner fuels in the transport sector, in order to address the environmental and health issues related to the combustion of fuel in vehicles' engines and generators. Therefore, "Quantum" comes to fulfill IPT's strategy in enhancing its products and services in Lebanon, developing them further to meet the highest Lebanese standards, and taking initiatives that reduce emissions and fuel consumption.
Dr. Issa concluded by highlighting Quantum's benefits that contribute to fuel economy, power and responsiveness, engine protection, and less pollution, and consequently in lowering the impact of pollutants on the environment and human health. He assured that IPT will bear the total cost of the new formula of gasoline, and that "Quantum" is exclusively available at IPT stations at no extra cost for the end user.
Eng. Khoury welcomed IPT's initiative and confirmed that IPTEC has become a strategic partner in sustainable energy issues. He then invited other companies to follow the same path of IPT in the approach of energy sustainability. He said: "The importance of this conference is that it reflects the vitality of the private sector. IPTEC succeeded in combining studies and theories to concrete application, becoming a scientific reference in the world of sustainable transport as well as operational initiatives. IPT's initiative today "Quantum" is a real testament to this, and it is a clear and practical solution that everyone can benefit from. He concluded by congratulating IPT for this achievement and invited other companies to join efforts and put an end to this environmental problem. At last, he shed light on the critical role of the media in creating a culture of sustainability.
Mrs. Feghali pointed out to the beneficial role of additives on improving fuel efficiency and stressed on the importance of close cooperation and high involvement of both the private and public sector in this regard. She then thanked IPT for introducing the revolutionary Quantum Gasoline with no extra cost to the customer, in order to always provide the most premium quality of products to the Lebanese market.
Lawyer Geagea admitted that the "Quantum" initiative attracted the attention of H.E. Minister of Information Mr. Melhem Riachy, noting its positive impact and numerous benefits on our economic, environmental, and consumption pattern statuses, as well as our purchasing power and consequently the overall economic cycle. He shed light on the powerful and scientific meaning of the word "Quantum" in physics which is the smallest amount in energy, and how IPT transformed it to imply "more energy in every drop". At last he asserted that such initiatives receive all the support of Minister Riachi for his firm belief in the role of the private sector to develop our society.
At the end of the conference, all participants took part in a draw whereby 3 winners won 3 Prepaid Cards from IPT for $500 each. The audience then headed to the Ruby Ballroom to visit "Quantum" stand, designed to raise awareness over the benefits of this new economical and eco-friendly gasoline. "Quantum" also attracted the attention of His Excellency Minister the Minister of Energy & Water Mr. Cesar Abi Khalil who visited the stand to congratulate Dr. Toni Issa for embedding energy sustainability in the core of his business.
Visit Quantum 98 & 95 page, and Download brochure to know more about the New product.
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