Lebanon Lebanon
Fri Jun 05, 2015
IPTEC Expanding the Reach of its Eco-driving Awareness!
After spreading "eco-driving" awareness in schools, IPTEC’s initiative reaches the village of Fatri. In the occasion of the World Environment Day, and in response to the village request, IPTEC team held a conference to raise awareness about "eco-driving" practices and benefits as part of its continuous efforts to highlight the hazardous effect of air pollution from land transportation on our health and environment. People of all ages attended including parents and children, in addition to the region’s officials. They all enjoyed the subject and agreed on the importance of "eco-driving" as an individual initiative that can help save our environment. Members of Fatri municipality encouraged the attendees to opt for "eco-driving" and announced the start up of an initiative concerning the recycle of plastic waste in the village. At the end, everyone received the "eco-driving" kit.

It is worth mentioning that June 5 is the World Environment Day through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness on environmental issues.