Lebanon Lebanon
Wed Mar 17, 2021
Lessons the Coronavirus Has Taught Us

One year has passed since the coronavirus hit us. What have we learnt from this pandemic? 

For the past year, the whole world has been affected by the Coronavirus, changing our lives forever. We have learnt many important lessons we will apply for years to come, the most important of which are: 

Family Matters: The family structure has shifted bringing family members closer to each other. Older persons have moved back from nursing homes and younger generations have postponed their independence initiatives.
Loneliness Hurts: Loneliness hurts health more than we thought. No one should be left alone in isolation, whether old or young. Older adults have handled COVID psychologically better than younger adults thanks to their experience and wisdom. 
Self-care Habits: People have realized the positive outcomes of self-care setting an example to younger generations as something to establish and maintain for their entire life. Our health is directly related to our lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, a healthy weight and restorative sleep. 
Nature Lets us Live Large: Nature has played a crucial role in our life, providing a way to keep a healthy weight and face hardships. The outdoor spaces have helped reduce stress, improve memory and add meaning and happiness in older people's lives. We learnt that the environment is in our hands and that we need to take action to protect it.  
Revolution in Medicine: The scientific community working together created a revolution in medicine at an increased paced rate that we learnt to trust rapidly. Telemedicine has transformed the face-to-face habits we had. Taking care of our health conditions ourselves is the path forward. Group therapy have also helped in sharing tips with one another. 
Work is Anywhere Now: Jobs have become non-location specific. We have learned to be as productive from home as at the office, thanks to videoconferencing, high-speed internet and other technologies. 
We Be-friended Technology: The pandemic has shown us how resilient and adaptable humans are as a society when forced to change, having to learn new technologies that, in many cases, have been the only safe way to continue to live our lives and stay connected to our loved ones during the pandemic.  
Overall, our cities won't ever be the same. For years to come, our way of living will change, we will gather carefully, prefer outdoor dining and find virtual or hybrid alternatives. 

Check this article to read more.

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