MIF draws its inspiration from the remarkable journey of the organization’s namesake, Michel Issa, a native from Amchit who embarked on his entrepreneurial career in the petroleum industry in the early 1970’s from his own hometown. Over the span of 5 decades, Mr. Issa showcased dedication, resilience and perseverance, in which his endeavors not only fueled economic growth, but also highlighted his profound commitment to his community’s growth, leaving an unquestionable mark on the social development landscape of the country. 

Consequently, the idea of establishing a foundation emerged with a goal of supporting local citizens, enabling them to thrive in their hometowns without the necessity of relocating to urban areas or immigrating outside of Lebanon. As such, MIF’s mission is rooted in the heart of Amchit, while simultaneously being dedicated to all regions in Lebanon, by fostering sustainable local development and empower communities across the country.

Through collaborative projects with relevant stakeholders, public authorities, civil society, and local administrations, MIF constantly aims to be a catalyst for positive change on a national level, endorsing local initiatives in socio-economy, environment, ICT , tourism, industry, healthcare, culture, and education. Furthermore, MIF strives to bridge the gap between public and private sectors to strengthen social bonds and cultivate a sense of local community belonging.