Mon Feb 06, 2023
The Launch Of The First Drive Throw Concept Shop In Lebanon, At IPT Station Dekweneh

We are proud to announce our partnership with LWM and the launch of the first drive throw concept shop in lebanon, at IPT station Dekweneh

This ground-breaking initiative will give everyone the opportunity to drop off their sorted dry solid waste and can turn their trash into cash or donate money to charity. We are proud to be leading the way in sustainability and environmental issues in Lebanon, with the presence of the esteemed Minister of Environment and Minister of Industry.

The opening was inaugurated on February 1st at IPT Station in Dekweneh, under the patronage and in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Naser Yasine, Minister of Environment and His Excellency Mr. Georges Bouchikian, Minister of Industry, Dr. Toni Issa, President of the IPT Energy Center (IPTEC), in addition to the presence of Mr. Zakhia Issa, Chairman of IPT group, NGOs and the media representatives.

In his speech, Mr. Bouchikian highlighted that: “The ministry focuses on such kind of initiatives, because it fits into the framework of raising public awareness about protecting a healthy environment and putting the waste sorting principle into practice at gas stations. It is encouraging to observe how oil importing companies have increased the scope of their services provided at store locations to the extent that there is now considerable competition among them to attract customers in a way that conforms to public safety requirements. We look at these projects as a trailblazing example of collaboration between the government and private sectors, as well as sustained, positive, and unending collaboration with the Minister of Environment and the Ministry of Environment with the objective of helping the public and the citizens, and striving to overcome difficulties”
This initiative, which is imbued by IPT and Lebanon Waste Management (LWM), aims to educate and drive awareness on the importance of recycling waste to prevent natural disasters and improve the environment.
Pierre Baaklini is an ambitious young entrepreneur that came up with the idea to open a drive through concept, similar to fast food restaurants, but instead of picking up food, citizens drop their recyclable waste.The recyclable sorted waste gets weighed, and citizens can either choose to get paid in LBP on the spot or donate the amount to children cancer treatment institutions. With a strong belief in the cause, IPT decided to join Pierre and support him in realizing this unique concept, launching the first "Drive Throw" branch on our IPT Dekwaneh station, under the slogan "Turn Your Trash Into Cash", aiming to expand this concept and its reach. The presence and support of the Ministers of the Environment and Industry at the opening ceremony are a testimony to the importance of this project. We will be waiting for you to drive through our "Drive Throw" branch on IPT Dekwaneh and drop your recyclable waste, anything from plastic, nylon, aluminum, cork, paper, polyester, used cooking oil, and others.

IPT aims to join their efforts and use best practices to overcome waste management challenges, by raising the public’s awareness, and addressing challenges related to waste collection.

This latest agreement falls under IPT's CSR theme for the year, "IPT Sorts", which will focus on projects in waste sorting and methods of treatment of waste, most notably plastics.

Waste management is one of the biggest environmental challenges in the world. Apart from its negative environmental impact, poorly managed waste leaves us susceptible to serious health repercussions, by increasing respiratory problems and affecting economic development.

*In the media: Ecowatan , Alraiionline , Im Lebanon , Annahar, ICI Beirouth , Nida Al Watan , Leb Talks