Lebanon Lebanon
Sun Nov 01, 2009
The Self-Service Revolution

IPT's recognizable gas stations can be found throughout Beirut, North Lebanon and Mount Lebanon.

Dedicated to client satisfaction and maintaining our highly professional reputation, our gas stations are exceptional thanks to our great services, helpful staff, unique branding and creative offerings. But the most significant aspect which is testament to our distinctive characteristics and pioneering drive is our being the first company in Lebanon to adopt the Self-Service gas station concept.

Starting at our Halat Station, the Self-Service option will soon be available at IPT stations across the country.

Self-Service empowers you to take control by letting you fill up your tank yourself. It also represents a great opportunity to save money each time you need to fuel up thanks to our discounted prices and because there’s no need to tip. The benefits extend even further with a Reward Card that makes filling your tank all the more worthwhile and lucrative.

Click here to know more about the Self-Service Rewards Card 

Download the Self-Service Rewards list

In the Media:

- Magazines: Al Mouraqeb Al Inma2i- Al Chark Al Awsat

- Newspapers: Al Anwar- Annahar