Lebanon Lebanon
Tue May 03, 2016
IPTEC-Fabriano Drawing Competition, Featured in Agenda Culturel
In preparation for the “Be the Eco-Drivers of Tomorrow” exhibition organized by IPTEC and Fabriano on May 5 & 6 at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut, Dr. Toni Issa, President of IPTEC, had an interview with Agenda Culturel to explain more about IPTEC’s Eco-Driving initiative and the objective of the upcoming event. 

In the interview, Dr. Issa goes over the collaboration between IPTEC and Fabriano-Lebanon and highlights the role of IPTEC in promoting Eco-driving practices among Lebanon’s future drivers. He points out to the main message that IPTEC would like to deliver through this activity and announces IPTEC’s other socially responsible initiatives including upcoming projects with Fabriano.  

It is worth mentioning that the exhibition will consist of more than 150 winning drawings exploring the theme “Be the Eco-Drivers of Tomorrow”, and is open for all on Friday May 6, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Click here to read the full article.