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To address climate change and its implications for societies a concerted effort is urgently needed – both from the public and private sectors. The significance of COP28 lies in its mission to bring the international community to the table to address global warming and agree on tangible solutions.

We recognise the importance of global efforts to address climate emergencies and promote sustainable development, and we believe that businesses have an instrumental role to play in achieving these goals.

Therefore, we also strive to minimise the impacts of our business and production on the environment worldwide, thereby showing other companies that they can do the same for their businesses and that having a sustainable business model can be beneficial for the bottom line. As such, we have our goals aligned with the UAE’s sustainability goals, including UAE Net Zero 2050.

To that end, we have implemented a slew of initiatives that are directly aligned with the UAE’s sustainability goals. For one, we have launched a comprehensive sustainability programme that includes ambitious targets for reducing our environmental footprint across our entire value chain. By 2050, we intend to achieve a net positive biodiversity impact within cooperative. We also aim to have 100 per cent of our packaging recycled or reused by 2025.

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