Energy Library


May 10, 2021

Powerhouse Energy, a British sustainable hydrogen company, has agreed to sign a contract with UK-based technology company Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI) for the licence of Powerhouse’s Distributed Modular Generation (DMG) technology, which will convert waste plastic into energy, including hydrogen, across Greece and Hungary.

DMG is a new type of recycling technology, which produces a clean syngas used for power generation or as a source for hydrogen.  The technology takes end-of-life plastics, which are introduced into a chamber at high temperature with an oxidising agent. The thermal conversion chamber operates in the absence of oxygen, so there is no burning as the plastics gasify.

Powerhouse Energy executive chair Tim Yeo says: “The process is controlled according to the feedstock to produce a clean syngas, generally free of contaminants. The syngas is further cleaned and then used to create electricity.  Hydrogen is separated and we then have a fuel that can be used by HGVs.  Two tonnes of hydrogen can be produced per day, which can fuel 60 lorries to travel 250-300 miles. Heat is also created in this process.”

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