Energy Library


Dec 13, 2019

BEIRUT: Caretaker Energy Minister Nada Boustani Friday handed Total the permit to drill Lebanon’s first exploratory well in Block 4.

“The launch and the handing over of the permit to drill the first exploratory well in Block 4 to the consortium of Total, Eni and Novatek is the first executive step in the discovery [of potential offshore oil and gas reserves],” Boustani said during a televised news conference.  

In February 2018, Lebanon signed its first offshore oil and gas exploration and production agreements for Block 4 and Block 9.

The government approved bids by an international consortium of energy companies comprising Total from France, Eni from Italy and Novatek from Russia.

Boustani said Friday the drilling ship, currently working in Egypt, would arrive sometime in January.

The minister also handed the permit to the Lebanese Petroleum Administration that will follow up on the work with Total. Read more